Monday, January 29, 2007

A little relief

Brother Pat just got out of surgery and it went well. I am so relieved. Now I'm waiting to hear from Dave's support group. So, I'm not totally relaxed yet! Okay, now I can relax even more. Dave is out of surgery and doing good. Thank goodness for modern medicine!


Anonymous said...

Mary - I'm so relieved that Pat is okay and glad to hear Jim's Step-Dad is doing well. I'm back at work this week (feeling better)and my co-workers have come up with a new nick name for me - "Bobble Head." Aren't they hilarious?

Love you sis,

Riverbrat said...

Glad you are doing better too. I found out last night that the same surgeon that took my parathyroids out is the one that operated on Pat. He is excellent, in my opinion. I'm sure that you got Nancy's email updating us all. Let me know if you didn't and I will forward you a copy.

Anonymous said...

Mare - Got Nancy's email this morning. Think I'll hold off on trying to talk to Pat till he gets out of the hospital. Things are always better at home. Same surgeon? That's amazing!! Hopefully he won't have to cut into many (any) more Mackins for a while.


Nordica said...

tough family!! what's a little surgery? :D
