Friday, January 26, 2007

Financial Peace at last

Jim and I have been attending a class every Wednesday night on Financial Peace. We both have struggled in the past with sticking to any kind of budget. So far this course has been a huge eye opener for us. We are trying very different ideas on how to come up with a workable budget and stick to it. We are both very excited about working together on this and then teaching Gavin what we've learned. I don't remember ever learning anything about managing money in school. Jim's boss is paying for all his employees who are interested in taking this course. I think this is a great idea on his part. I'm enjoying getting to know everyone that Jim works with too. I noticed that this book is for sale on Amazon.

1 comment:

FishTaxi said...

I've never read Dave Ramsey but I read the Tightwad Gazzette years ago and that really helped me. Plus having a husband who is a good money manager. Thats great that you've got Gavin on board. And your getting out in the middle of the work week together.

I'd like to hear more about this.
