Sunday, July 26, 2009

Owl be back!

Yesterday as I was working around the yard I looked up in the tree and spotted the owl that came to visit last year. We had been watching and hoping it would come back. Later in the evening as dusk was upon us Jim and I were relaxing in the swing when all of a sudden we saw something land on a branch right in front of us. It was the owl! We sat there watching it watching us for about five minutes. Darn, I wish I had my camera. Jim volunteered to go get it but by the time he reached the house it took off again into the neighbors yard.


Anonymous said...

Nice ponds, nice owl. Is it a spotted owl. I head they taste like chicken! Just kidding. I think they taste like bald eagle. Quit sending the heat down our way. We have enough. The yard is just starting to look like a yard. Those irises, etc. don't plant themselves!


Paddy said...

What fun Mary; like an old friend remembering to stop by.

We used to have a pair of mallard ducks stop by annually in our yard. No more, but we think we see many of the same birds during migration wing by for water and a hit on the bird feeders in the back.

Hope you are able to enjoy the company of your owl friend for awhile.


riverbrat said...

The owl looks fatter this year. I took a picture of him but it looks just like the picture I posted last year. According to my Birds of Idaho book it's a Western Screech-Owl.

Paddy said...

Cupping my hands together, I can blow through a hole between my thumbs and make a decent sounding owl call.

I even get an answer from time to time, which is very satisfying.

Last year I was demonstrating my owl calling technique for the neighbor lady. She heard the response and was fascinated.

“Do it again, Paddy; that is so delightful.”

“Whooooo; whoooooo!”

“Whooooo; whooooo,” came the retort.

And then this communion with nature was interrupted by a guffaw and laughter.

“Paddy, there is your “owl” up on the roof top. Your owl is a dove!”

Ok, I’ll settle for a dove. A dove who thinks it is talking to an owl!

I’m sure there is a word for this; symbiosis?

“Whooooo; whooooo!”

