Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Solstice!

Jim had a nine oclock game last night. It was a beautiful night with the sun setting against the mountains. Mid game a fox ran across the field amazing everyone. Who cares that they didn't win. It was just wonderful to be outdoors on a warm summer night.


Barb said...

Did you happen to see the moon the other nite when it was just a sliver and next to it was the brightest planet I've ever seen! Forgot which one it was.

It's nice to sit outside at night watching ballgames or stars.

Riverbrat said...

I noticed the sliver of a moon but didn't see the bright planet. Hmmm, wonder what that says about me?

Are you enjoying your new spot?

Barb said...

Maybe you were tired. hehehe
I found the recipe for soy egg salad but now I can't find it again. What does that say about me?

I'm feeling a little better each day. My bean soup with soaked crackers went down pretty good. I had it again for lunch. Not sure what kind of soup to make tomorrow but I have this neat soup cookbook!

In 3 weeks I go back to the dentist for him to put a liner in my plate. That will make it fit better.
I'm now taking it out after each meal. Rinse and put back in. I hope time flies even when I'm not having fun!

Dave & I decided we needed to go to the gym 5 days a week. We'll start tomorrow. I think I'll feel good enough.

Tue we have to go to Vegas to get a new cell phone. About 3 months ago my original phone got wet and quite working so they gave me a used one just like it. The last week or so it just hasn't been working all the time. It goes dead at the drop of a hat.

We have lots of stores here in Pahrump but no Verizon store.
Tell Jim to hit a homerun for his mom!

Barb said...

Hey's the recipe for tofu egg salad.

1/4 cup chopped celery
2 green onions...chopped
1/4 cup mayo (you can use the tofu mayo)
2 tablespoons relish
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon ground tumeric
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 package silken FIRM tofu..cubed

Combine all the above. Mix well. Spread over any kind of bread. It tastes just like egg salad!

Riverbrat said...

Thanks so much Mom. Always looking for new recipes, especially vegan ones. I'll try it! Hi to Dave!!

Love, Mary

Barb said...

I forgot to tell you that Dave uses the soy butter when he makes his tofu marsalla. He made some the other day but it was too tough for me to eat!

Today I'm doing better. Made some cranberry muffins in my new oven and they are so easy to eat! I also made deviled eggs. Nice and soft but I ate too many.

I'm sure you have a big health food store in Boise where you can find all that stuff. I little expensive but if you use it just for Gavin it will last awhile.
