Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring has Sprung

Spring is definitely in the air. I was determined to ride my bike today for ten miles. I've been slowly working up to it..5 miles here, then eight, finally today 10. Friday night my boys went snowboarding and I had a couple of girlsfriends over for fondue. We cooked up chicken and peppers, then sweet mandarin orange slices in semi sweet chocolate. It was yummy, hense the ten mile bike ride. Here are some pictures from my ride today. I had to include my cow friends. And one of Jimbo spraying weeds. Gavin is off skating with his friends today. He has become a vegetarian and announced the other night that he has a girlfriend. He asked if he could go to the library and hang out with her. Of course! Any girl who wants to hang out at the library is alright with me.


FishTaxi said...

wow good for you Mary. looks like you made it all the way up to the Veterans Cemetary?

your fondue party sounded great.

if I were you I would take up badminton,too. good exercise and fun. I bet your friends would love it! you have the perfect place for it until the weather gets too hot.

Gavins' got a girlfriend? how sweet!

Riverbrat said...

Badmitten, what a great idea. I love badmitten! Yes, Gavin and his girlfriend are going to a movie after school and to a St. Patricks day dance at the Jr. High this Friday night. What a transition he is going thru.
