Saturday, February 16, 2008

Spring Fling

Today was one of those days that you can just feel spring in the air, even though it is still February. Instead of the usual boring walk I got my bike out for a spin. Helmet, check. Sunglasses, check. Cellphone, check. Odometer set back to 0, check. Off we go.... I only made it 4.25 miles and I forgot to check the tires and seat height but hey, it was really only a test run for when spring truly gets here!


FishTaxi said...

Did you get a flat tire and was your seat wobbly? lol


PS-Hows the job going?

Riverbrat said...

Hi Kat. Job training starts today and my hours are 2:30pm till 11:00pm for the next six weeks. Your brother's jealous of the hours. I'm thinking of you. M
