Friday, November 2, 2007

A yoga story...

I took my second yoga class last night out of a series of six. I was feeling great on the way home from my class when my cell phone rang. Is this Mary? Yes. This is Doctor So and So. I just got the results back from your blood work you had done today and your blood sugar is extemely low. Are you feeling okay? Yeah, I just got out of my yoga class. Really?? Well I'm glad you are feeling good. You might go home and have some Halloween candy to get your blood sugar to go up. Okay, no problem there. I love candy. I never thought I would be advised by a doctor to eat it!


Barb said...

Hope the low blood sugar isn't an ongoing condition! I've been having low blood sugar myself lately. I just eat more carbs.

Did any of the clothes I brought up fit? Or did you give them all the the goodwill? Did you like the hangers? I've had them for years. Don't think they even make them anymore. At least I never see them in the stores. Sure help for hanging more clothes in small spaces.
Glad you enjoyed your yoga class. I've been thinking about going to the tai chi classes at the gym twice a week here in Pahrump. I enjoyed my tape for a few years but I should have had it made into a cd before it got bad. I've checked at a couple of stores and I have yet to see exercise tapes. I guess I'm looking in the wrong place.

Anonymous said...

I tried to teach myself yoga and herniated two disc!

Take classes and eat more candy!

Love ya,

FishTaxi said...

I have yet to try yoga. I'm stuck on swimming.

Hi sister Kathy! I'm sister-in-law Kathy.

You must be a terrifically wonderful person with a name like Kathy and being the RiverBrat's sister!

Riverbrat said...

I'm blessed to have two Kathys in my life!
