Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Come on Mom


Mom, lets go for a ride on the river, me on my long board, you on your bike. Oh Honey, I don't know. How about we just ride around here. Come on Mom, lets go to the river. Gee, it's really windy out there, lets just ride in the neighborhood. Come on Mom, it's the river or nothing. Your going to miss out spending time with your son. (Does he know how to push the guilt button or what)?

5:15pm - on the greenbelt by the river about three miles out...

Wow, it's beautiful out here, thanks for talking me into this. Hey, lets stop and take a break at the five mile mark and head back. Okay, but I feel like going farther. After Break-six mile mark: Let's turn back. Come on Mom, I want to go farther. I feel great! Okay but I'm turning around at the six and a half. That will make it a thirteen mile ride. Okaaaay.

Six something and finally turned around

Oh my gosh. The wind is a lot stronger going this way. Yeah, it was at our backs all the way here and that's why it felt so easy. Well, this will make us tough! Yeah!!

Ten mile mark

I don't mind telling you, I'm damn tired. Yeah I bet you are, my butt is sore. At least you get to sit down. True.

My feet hurt! Come on Gav, only two more miles. We can do it!

And so we did. Tired, yes! Happy, double yes!!


FishTaxi said...

I would need a tracter seat on my bike for 13 miles. hah

Did you drive to the greenbelt?

Riverbrat said...

Yes we drove and that was another one of my lame excuses not to go. I gotta put the bike rack on. Then I gotta load my bike. I gotta ham in the oven. Gav just said "I'll help you". What do you say to that?

FishTaxi said...

Is he still being a vegetarian?

Can't you leave your bikerack on your vehicle?

That riverwalk in Boise is so nice. I really enjoyed walking with Sue on it.

Riverbrat said...

Hi Fishtaxi,

Gavin is actually vegan now. He doesn't eat anything that has a mother. It is a little challenging to cook for him but I would rather him go the healthy route than the unhealthy route (McDonalds, etc.) He is his own person, that's for sure. I usually have my bike rack on my car but it got taken off recently I think by Jim who washed my car, so I can't complain. I love the riverwalk too so much and forget how nice it is until I'm out there enjoying it.

FishTaxi said...

There was a vegan cook at the yoga retreat I worked at in Hawaii. She could make the best muffins without eggs. She was from Brazil. Also made good tofu (scrambled looking) eggs. I think it was smashed corn in there.

Lots of beans and rice. Which I love. Does he eat fish?

Riverbrat said...

There are some pretty good vegan recipes out there and I'm having fun experimenting. Gavin does not eat fish now or any seafood. We are meeting some friends tonight at Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. They are traveling through back to Seattle. I'm wondering how Gav is going to handle all of us eating shrimp and crab (his favorites) while he eats french fries and a salad.

FishTaxi said...

oh dear. Post back on that!
