Monday, April 23, 2007

Batter Batter Batter

It was a chilly weekend for Jim's first softball tournament. They lost the first game, won the second, lost the third. As it got colder and colder instead of warmer and warmer, I was kind of glad they didn't have to go back and play Sunday. Sunday turned out to be even more miserable with drizzle added to the mix. I'm always happy when Jim finishes a tounament without getting hurt. There are some really good players on his team this year and it will be fun to watch them come together as the season progresses. They play again Wednesday night.


FishTaxi said...

ohhh I was so hoping you would post pics of the games. thank-you!

I like your new picture! I also noticed from the family blog pics it looks like you are getting a nice tan.

Riverbrat said...

Thanks Fishtaxi. Gosh, I didn't know the Pirate posted those photos. Did you notice the fish plant you helped me make is still thriving? I'm still trying to get use to my camera. It has a long delay. I'll take more pics Wed night.

FishTaxi said...

I'm still finding out new stuff that my camera does. I'm starting to get comfortable with it after a good year.

Is the fish still living? Try and get a picture of it.
